If you’re looking for fun epoxy resin crafts projects to DIY look no further than these awesome resin pour ideas!
There are so many resin pour ideas! Whether your just getting started with resin or you’ve used it before, resin pouring is a fun way to work with resin. Any time you work with resin you are technically pour it, right? When mixing you pour from the first cup to the second and after that you usually pour into your molds. When we talk about “resin pour ideas” what we mean is the ART of resin pouring.
What is resin pouring?
What is usually meant by this is a DIRTY pour. A dirty resin pour is when you have something besides resin mixed in. Paint pouring has been popular for a while and the results look beautiful. Here’s an example of a paint pour project: these DIY earrings! In order to make this even better, you can mix with resin as well. This creates a hard durable finish for your resin art! The most popular resin pours are a mix of resin and small amounts of acrylic paint.
The below resin craft ideas all require the same basic supplies. You’ll need the following items: two part epoxy resin, disposable gloves, plastic cups with measurements, and stir sticks. These are the 4 basic supplies you need for ALL resin DIY projects. For resin pouring, you also need colorants. You can use acrylic paints, alcohol ink, or mica powders.
Optional supplies include a heat gun (to get rid of air bubbles so you have crystal clear resin!) and many craft stores sell resin kits that have everything to get started. I recommend picking out your own supplies so you can choose silicone for the cups and stir sticks. Once you get started with resin crafting, you will want to keep creating! Having reusable supplies is less wasteful and saves you money. That’s a good idea all around!
Resin Pour Ideas
Part of the fun of resin pouring is finding new surfaces to pour on. The best have some sort of lip to hold the resin in place. This is a unique home decor idea that used a mirror for the resin pour!
One of my favorite resin pour examples! You can get some great ideas from the thrift store. This bar cart got a complete makeover with resin pours in different colors!
A lot of people really love the "ocean" resin art ideas. This takes that pour idea and brings it to the next level! A resin pour on a guitar? Why not! All you need is a flat surface!
You don't need to do a larger project - think small epoxy resin projects! Think outside the box! These are great beginner resin crafts because they're just ROCKS! You don't have to worry about messing up and of course, no additional cost! Rocks are free 🙂 This also wouldn't use much resin which is always a great thing!
Another example of how you can use resin pour on various shapes and different sizes for your specific projects! With 50 states, you have lots of fun options to recreate this project. This type of project doesn't have a very easy cleanup though. Since there isn't a "lip" to hold the resin, you'll have to let it pool over the sides and this can be a little messy! Alternatively, you can tape the edges to create that lip and just pour gently to the edges.
Here's a beautiful example of resin artwork! This is another example of a slightly messier project, but man they are fun! This simple project is really easy and a fun way to practice mixing resin. Resin can cause skin irritation (it's a chemical reaction happening in that cup!) so always wear gloves and long sleeves.
These cutting boards or charcuterie boards come in lots of different shapes and make super great gifts! You can make one for everyone on your gift list! Simple start with a larger cup of the resin mix, then pour into smaller cups and add all your different colors! With your boards laid out, pour on the different colors and create your own custom designs with the perfect colors combinations! You could even visit your local hardware store and get the wood to cut your own boards! Talk about a custom resin piece!
This resin painting is another example of beautiful epoxy art! When resin is in the liquid form, it spreads easily over the wood surface. You can combine whatever resin colors you want to create custom art for your walls! This is one of the best ways to get large scale art if you're on a budget! The cured resin dries to a hard, durable finish and looks fantastic on the wall. Add this large painting to your home!
I love trays - I have them all over the house! They are super useful catchalls so why not beautify one with a cool resin pour! I love the little cells in this one! Check out the tutorial to make your own!
How darn cute are these! Christmas decor is such a unique way to use the resin pour! These ornaments turned out adorable and I'm feeling inspired for next years Christmas tree. Plus smaller projects like this are the best way to start!
This is one of the coolest projects on this list! I absolutely love the colors and of course love a USEFUL resin craft! This could hang in your home for a long time!
Ths is one of my projects I thought wouldn't turn out and then it looked better than I thought at the end! This resin pour had a bunch of gold that didn't end up showing up at ALL. But I love the combinations of pink and this was a simple little canvas I found at the craft store. Add a few hooks and you've got a beautiful custom key holder!
I'm totally getting Mardi Gras vibes from this project! Dress up an ordinary tray with a pretty resin pour. Once you try this techique, no surface in your home will be safe!!
Check your garage for some scrap wood and whip up this project in no time! Canvas makes a great surface for your projects but this could potentially be a free project if you have scrap wood!
A gorgeous resin pour art project! This is a great tutorial with a ton of great info for working with resin to create a similar project for yourself!
This is the most jaw-dropping project on the list! This is obviously a HUGE project that would take a lot of practice before attempting! A few notes about countertops: they can stain and you don't want them in direct sunlight as it can discolor the resin. You might not notice it with all the gorgeous colors in this project, but I did faux marble resin countertops in our guest bathroom makeover and had to make sure it stayed out of direct sunlight because the white will yellow. I also stained it with red cough syrup! So use caution!
Another beautiful home item! We love when our resin crafts are not only beautiful but they are functional too! This wooden tray made the perfect surface for a resin pour as the sides hold the resin in perfectly. The durable finish created by the cured resin is easy to wipe off and keep clean and provides a great work surface, too!
I love the colors used for this project! This would make perfect resin coasters! Because resin tries to a hard finish, they are easy to wipe off if they get wet.
Another gorgeous beach pour example. We love that this project uses sand! The Resin Crafts Blog has a ton of easy resin crafts - inclding a ton by yours truely!
This resin pour uses a fun technique to create a unique finish! Instead of just mixing and pouring, she shows you how to create this fun design.
Tips for working with Resin:
- Temperature can affect your project. Make sure your workspace and the resin are slightly warmer than room temperature. You won’t get a proper hardened surface if it’s too cold. You can also use warm water to prepare your resin before starting your project.
- Temperature also affects the curing process. Always check the instructions for your specific resin and verify the resin cures time and make sure you’ve got optimal conditions.
- Temperature also affects the working time! The amount you mix will also affect this. You may have to work in layers – don’t try to mix too much at once.
- There are LOTS of ready-made molds you can use for projects but you can also make your own molds!
- There are different types of resin. My go to is Epoxy resin: it’s the most inexpensive, has the widest variety of uses, and is long lasting. It’s usually your best option for DIY resin crafts. A type of epoxy resin I also love is Casting Resin. It’s a low viscosity resin so it’s thin and easily fills in spaces (great for casting!). Another type of resin (epoxy) I also use coating resin a lot! Other types are Polyurethane and Polyester resin.
Here are more fun resin projects:
- resin earrings
- resin notebook using silicone molds
- resin bookmarks (2 cute projects!)
- DIY photo holder (made with gold leaf!)
- A roundup of 19 stunning ways to make an Epoxy resin table
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