We built a Little Free Library to provide our community an easy way to exchange books at no charge! This post is sponsored by Kreg and our little free library building plans provided free at Kreg.com
With our first baby on the way, I joined several of my local buy nothing groups along with the buy and sell groups and the neighborhood parent groups. I started to collect so much good stuff second hand! This was a great way to save money and to help cut down on overconsumption and waste. I ended up collection a ton of children’s books this way – and had several duplicates and triplicates of some books.
In addition, we’d been downsizing in our own home in preparation of our new little one’s arrival and had many books looking for a new home. Instead of simply donating them – we decided to build a free Little Library to put up in our front yard!
What is little free library?
A little free library is a structure built to house books. These are provide to and by the community for FREE! These support literacy and help to provide access to books free of charge.
What are the rules for a little library?
The rules are simple: take a book, leave a book! The idea for this free book exchange is built on this rule. It relies on the honor system, and while leaving a book isn’t required it’s recommended! Of course, you’re also trusting people to only take one book at a time and to either bring it back or drop off another in it’s place.
How to start a little free library
Starting your own little library is a simple as putting up the structure to house the books, along with some sort of sign or indicator as to what it is. Even if someone has never come across a little free library, it’s pretty simple to figure out how it works! There is an official Little Library organization that you can pay to register with. They also offer building plans for sale. We built our own and are providing you the Little Free Library Plans at Kreg.com for FREE!
How do I install a Little Free Library?
After you’ve built your Little Free Library, you’ll want to mount it so it’s easily accessible to your neighborhood. Remember you can’t just install one of these anywhere – especially not on public lands without permission from your city, etc. I recommend installing in your own yard where you can easily manage it. Ensure your post is set in concrete and at least 2/3rds of it is in the ground.
How high should a little library be?
You should install so it’s 3-4 feet off the ground. This will put it at a good average height. Kiddos should be accompanied by a parent or guardian so someone should be able to reach inside!
How to build a little free library
The little library is essentially a box with a door. It’s really a simple build! There are also many ways to repurpose cabinets or other objects to use as your little Library structure. I’m sharing our simple Little Library plans with you for free on Kreg.com.
What are the dimensions of a Little Free Library?
Your library can be as large or small as you’d like. Some people even expand their little library to also include toiletries or food items. Those are sometimes referred to as a “blessing box” and can be super helpful for a community as well. Our little library only houses books and is roughtly 20×20 inches.
If you’re interested in building your own Free Little Library, please use our plans on Kreg.com! We hope you enjoyed this project and are inspired to create your own!
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