Last updated August 8th, 2022 at 02:58 pm
Create a DIY pegboard customized with the Cricut Joy and practice self care at home with this home gym small space organizer! This project is sponsored by Cricut.
2020 showed us how important it is to prioritize our health and self-care at home. Many of us survived lock down by implementing at home workouts into our daily routine. Over the past year, I’ve built a small home gym and needed a way to organize everything. I made a DIY pegboard perfect for my tiny home gym and used my Cricut Joy to customize it with workout affirmations! Now all my workout equipment has a home with this small space organizer.

DIY Pegboard: Home Gym Small Space Organizer
Create a DIY pegboard customized with the Cricut Joy and practice self care at home with this home gym small space organizer!
- 48x24 inch pegboard
- Two 1x2 inch boards
- Wood Glue
- Saw
- Paint
- Pegboard Hooks
- Cut 1x2s to build a frame on the back of your pegboard.
- Glue in place with wood glue and clamp until dry.
- Add screws to secure the top board to the peg board.
- Paint the sides your favorite color to frame your DIY pegboard.
- Use your Cricut to cut workout affirmations.
- Weed the designs then use transfer tape and scraper to put them on your pegboard.
After building the DIY pegboard I wanted to add a little something with my Cricut Joy. This has been a really hard year, and therapy taught me the power of positive thinking and of affirmations. If you need a bit of motivation, I hope you’ll use my workout affirmations I created for you in Design Space!
The Cricut Joy was perfect for this project. I was able to plop down in the floor after I’d hung up all my equipment and cut all these phrases in less than 5 minutes! This powerful little tool is great for small, quick projects like this!
These affirmations are great on you DIY pegboard, but you could add them anywhere you need a little pick me up. I created DIY mirror decals that work the same way! Just make sure to use removable vinyl if you don’t plan to leave them there permanently!
Nana says
Great idea, however, my big ball will not fit on there. So I am using my walker to place a pillow (used for knee squeezes), hang my stretch bands on the handle, the ball is placed on top of the pillow, weights are in the seat basket. Thumbs up!
Amber Oliver says
Thank you! Glad you figured something out for your space 馃檪 馃檪 馃檪